Friday, October 11, 2013

American Health Care Reform Act

A group of GOP representatives have introduced H.R. 3121, The American Health Care Reform Act of 2013, to the 113th Congress.  There are 84 co-sponsors on this bill which is aimed at repealing Obamacare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) and promoting patient-centered health care while reducing government costs and cutting taxes.  Just those things alone make it worthwhile.  To see the details of this bill, which is now before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs (because it has specific provisions dealing with their healthcare), you can read the text at

A summary from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) can be found at:

This needs to be more widely discussed.  Ask your Representatives and Senators about this bill.  Get it moving!

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Let Obamacare Collapse Under Its Own Weight?

The idea that we should let it collapse under its own weight is absurd.  That is a false flag argument.  The wolves in sheep’s clothing  that espouse this approach , want you to believe that it will just eventually go away. Unless it is repealed, it will become just another entitlement program that those who are not contributors to our society and economy will demand regardless of who has to pay for it.  We KNOW it is bad for the country and we  KNOW we can't afford it.  We are OBLIGATED to let everybody know.  What is laughable is the idea that we shouldn't do anything about it now.  Would you let your child get out and play with matches, even though you KNOW something bad will happen?  Or do you just say, "Oh well, when they burn down the house, they'll know better".  No, you tell them "Don't do it".  The GOP, specifically the conservative wing, is saying "You shouldn't have gotten those matches out so I'm taking them away before you hurt yourself".  Of course, libs don't think that way.....they say it takes a village to raise a child....and give him a chance to burn down the entire village.  Reminds one of the 2008/2012 presidential election, doesn't it?