Monday, October 24, 2016

Wealth, power, and open borders.

You ever wonder why so many billionaires, like George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg, are such ardent supporters of liberal policies and goals? It sure seems like they ALL think alike, doesn’t it? But that can’t be the case, because one of the traits of these types of people is the willingness to take a risk, to do something nobody else has, or can, do. I have a theory and it revolves around open borders, their place in the economic pyramid and their unwillingness to let others have the same opportunity to join them there. 

Imagine for a moment that you are one of the chosen….you’ve acquired wealth that can’t even be imagined by most people. You have more money that you and your family could ever spend for generations. There literally is nothing in the world that you can’t afford. Your wealth affords you something that is not easily attained….power and influence!

Power is a fickle thing. Political power, even more so. Political power is based on nationalistic structures. Constitutions can be very annoying when you are trying to make sure that the power that your wealth now gives you isn’t chipped away by others attaining the same, or even more, wealth than you have. And God forbid if it is eroded by someone elected by the dirty masses! Ergo, we see the influence of open borders in economically advanced societies like the US and Europe. 

As more and more immigrants with no concept of the “nation” that they now occupy, there is less and less “nation”…and less and less economic success due to the fact that the VAST majority of immigrants don’t possess the education or skills that will allow them to succeed in a capitalist system and the welfare state that was a shining beacon to them now becomes their means of support. Remember, even if you are entirely dependent upon the welfare state for your subsistence, that subsistence level in the US is orders of magnitude greater than the life BEFORE immigration. They become reliant upon the welfare state, sometimes for generations. As they attain citizenship, their allegiance stays with those who feed them without considering the notion that they are “kept” for a purpose. With fewer and fewer people likely to attain the wealth they have, it becomes less likely that the subsequent generations of the mega-wealthy will have to compete for the power and influence attained by their scions. And the band plays on!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Islam: A Political Ideology Masquerading as a Religion

When will someone have the guts to talk about Islam realistically?  Islam is a theo-political construct. It is just another branch of the totalitarian branch, very much like Marxism. Look at the similarities....a single, all powerful leader...not elected. A "puppet" legislative branch with elected "representatives" who are required to rubber stamp the will of the supreme leader....a judiciary that does the same. Economic stratification that is not reflected by a statistical bell curve where the "middle class" has a large population but instead has a statistically insignificant size of upper class and a MASSIVE percentage of economically disadvantaged who either have no allegiance to the political system (see Kurds, Bedouins,etc) or total reliance upon government for subsistence. It simply wraps itself in the guise of religion as a way of control. 

Think about it....Marx said "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)". In other words, it is required of the individual to produce as much as he can and it is then given to the "distribution" mechanism (government) to redistribute as it sees fit. It actually DECIDES who needs what and how much and if an individual decides that he needs more than is given by the government, that individual becomes an enemy of the state subject to punishment by the state.

Then along comes Mohammed, who doesn’t have a “state” for redistribution of production but he needs to figure out a way to punish those who don't follow his commands. Now remember, you have to make sure that your subjects don't do too much thinking for themselves.  So you start by saying women can't go to school.  That's a good start.  Need them breeding and making more subjects...don't need them wasting time with things like reading...and writing...and being exposed to other cultures.  That takes care of half the population right there!!!! 

As for the other half, he comes up with a pretty good idea….get the people who he controls to believe it is not the state that will punish them for going against his will…..but GOD! Do what you are told and you will be rewarded in the afterlife! Don’t worry about now….this life…it’s not really important. In fact, if you are particularly submissive, you may be rewarded with 72 virgins in Heaven. Not really sure how that is a reward but….. Oh, and, just for the record, if you do commit transgressions against God’s will (actually the state’s will) it would not be a simple flogging or life in prison….no….it will be an eternity in HELL!!!!!  So if you are a goat herder that can’t read or write and probably the only people he knows that CAN are the very people I’m talking about above, you aren’t going to be in any position to dispute what they say…..unless you are willing to spend eternity in Hell.
So now, because it is God making the rules and doling out the punishment, that makes it a religion.  Huh.....pretty good scam, if you ask me!