Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Picture Says It All!

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

And Now We Know...

So now we know who NObama is actually running for....Joe Biden! can the Dems put together a more liberal ticket than this? There can't be anyone in the Democrat hierarchy that seriously believes that NObama is ready and should be president. They pick a running mate who said NObama was not ready to lead!!!!! They couldn't be that stupid, could they? Evidently, the drive-by media has completely lobotomized their leadership into believing they can do know wrong, and now is the time to go completely over the top! They couldn't be that stupid, could they?

It's obvious that the Democrat party is so out of touch with the core voter of the US that they believe now they can't lose! They couldn't be that stupid, could they?

Let's hope the electorate isn't that stupid!!

Vote GOP...unless you've got all you want!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

National Enquirer....Maybe Bigfoot did marry a Martian

Hmmm, who'd a thunk it...the National Enquirer now has to be considered as a more valid news source than the driveby media sources that refused to investigate rumors of John Edwards' affair. Sure would have been nice if he had won in Iowa, instead of finishing second.....he might have become the nominee.....and now McCain wins in a Reagan-esque landslide....Happy days are here again, the stock market will be up again, happy days are here again....

Ah, well, at lease we still have Obama to kick around. I'm becoming more and more confident that between now and November, either enough people will realize that he's a shell running for others or his ultra-liberal associations with terrorists and communists will reveal something that will doom his campaign.

Let's not let NE find it first, huh?