Friday, November 22, 2013

Immigration Reform is NOT dead in the House-Boehner

Immigration "reform" only makes them legal in the eyes of the law. It creates even more entitlements that the citizenry has to pay for. Even the most liberal estimates are that it will increase "revenue" to federal and state governments by around $50b a year yet it will produce "entitlements" in the area of $60b-$100b a year. How does this help the economy? It only helps the political class by cementing even more people into the "beholding" class, buying their votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has come to this realization too late and no amount of liberalization can undo the years of prior damage done in this arena. It won't help the nation to do this and it will do harm to the GOP.
Unfortunately, the leadership believes that the old guard is the future of the party.....the same old guard that got us into this mess by capitulation to the democrats at nearly every turn. Boehner, Ryan, Priebus, McConnell and McCain and the rest of the leadership has to be replaced or the party will become the Whigs and the country will become a place where the standard of living declines for the next 50 years.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

So smart they are stupid....or vice versa?

I'm not sure if the libs are so smart they are stupid, or vice versa.
The entire ACA rollout has shown the absolute ignorance of the administration and congress of the realities of free markets in general and the health insurance industry in particular.  They have painted themselves into a corner from which there is no escape.

They were so ignorant of the insurance industry that they created a paradigm that requires them to sell something they couldn't sell previously at a price that nobody would buy.  Now that that has been made painfully clear, they are trying to fool people into believing that they had no idea this would be the case.  However, insurance companies have spent the last 3 years coming up with those products they couldn't sell, and all of the associated programming, actuarial, and marketing work only to now be faced with congress looking at a get out of jail free card....FOR CONGRESS!!!!  The beauty of it is that, if the democrats bring this up, republicans HAVE to vote for it but it makes no difference.  Those plans WILL NOT EXIST after 12/31.  The insurance companies simply don't have time, in 7 weeks, to do the work required to "restore" the world to the way congress says.  There isn't enough time to "recreate" all of those plans, program, and price them all based on an even DIFFERENT set of rules and marketplace.

They can't repeal it, they can't alter its plan, it's ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT.  Libs are the leading practitioners of "unintended consequences" and they are NEVER in the interests of the people.