Thursday, December 05, 2013

The Genius of Milton Friedman

The weather has turned cold in Texas...yes, that is a bit odd, but it does happen.  And as a result, with no golf available, I've done some reading....light but "enlightening"....that has led me to a conclusion: 

Milton Friedman is of the greatest minds of our time, REGARDLESS of the subject.

Milton Friedman was a recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences and was a major contributor to the economic "good times" that were the 1980's as an economic advisor to President Reagan.  Philosophically, he was an ardent supporter of free markets with minimal governmental interference.  One of his great quotes: 

"The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit."

 He has been called the second most popular economist of the 20th century after John Maynard Keynes, which is ironic since many of his theories were refutations of Keynes' theories as anti-free market and, in many cases, the implementation of Keynesian economic theory did more harm than good. 

To read more Friedman quotes:

He also was a frequent guest on television shows and probably his most memorable appearance was on the Phil Donahue in 1979.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Immigration Reform is NOT dead in the House-Boehner

Immigration "reform" only makes them legal in the eyes of the law. It creates even more entitlements that the citizenry has to pay for. Even the most liberal estimates are that it will increase "revenue" to federal and state governments by around $50b a year yet it will produce "entitlements" in the area of $60b-$100b a year. How does this help the economy? It only helps the political class by cementing even more people into the "beholding" class, buying their votes. Unfortunately, the GOP has come to this realization too late and no amount of liberalization can undo the years of prior damage done in this arena. It won't help the nation to do this and it will do harm to the GOP.
Unfortunately, the leadership believes that the old guard is the future of the party.....the same old guard that got us into this mess by capitulation to the democrats at nearly every turn. Boehner, Ryan, Priebus, McConnell and McCain and the rest of the leadership has to be replaced or the party will become the Whigs and the country will become a place where the standard of living declines for the next 50 years.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

So smart they are stupid....or vice versa?

I'm not sure if the libs are so smart they are stupid, or vice versa.
The entire ACA rollout has shown the absolute ignorance of the administration and congress of the realities of free markets in general and the health insurance industry in particular.  They have painted themselves into a corner from which there is no escape.

They were so ignorant of the insurance industry that they created a paradigm that requires them to sell something they couldn't sell previously at a price that nobody would buy.  Now that that has been made painfully clear, they are trying to fool people into believing that they had no idea this would be the case.  However, insurance companies have spent the last 3 years coming up with those products they couldn't sell, and all of the associated programming, actuarial, and marketing work only to now be faced with congress looking at a get out of jail free card....FOR CONGRESS!!!!  The beauty of it is that, if the democrats bring this up, republicans HAVE to vote for it but it makes no difference.  Those plans WILL NOT EXIST after 12/31.  The insurance companies simply don't have time, in 7 weeks, to do the work required to "restore" the world to the way congress says.  There isn't enough time to "recreate" all of those plans, program, and price them all based on an even DIFFERENT set of rules and marketplace.

They can't repeal it, they can't alter its plan, it's ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT.  Libs are the leading practitioners of "unintended consequences" and they are NEVER in the interests of the people.

Friday, October 11, 2013

American Health Care Reform Act

A group of GOP representatives have introduced H.R. 3121, The American Health Care Reform Act of 2013, to the 113th Congress.  There are 84 co-sponsors on this bill which is aimed at repealing Obamacare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) and promoting patient-centered health care while reducing government costs and cutting taxes.  Just those things alone make it worthwhile.  To see the details of this bill, which is now before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs (because it has specific provisions dealing with their healthcare), you can read the text at

A summary from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) can be found at:

This needs to be more widely discussed.  Ask your Representatives and Senators about this bill.  Get it moving!

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Let Obamacare Collapse Under Its Own Weight?

The idea that we should let it collapse under its own weight is absurd.  That is a false flag argument.  The wolves in sheep’s clothing  that espouse this approach , want you to believe that it will just eventually go away. Unless it is repealed, it will become just another entitlement program that those who are not contributors to our society and economy will demand regardless of who has to pay for it.  We KNOW it is bad for the country and we  KNOW we can't afford it.  We are OBLIGATED to let everybody know.  What is laughable is the idea that we shouldn't do anything about it now.  Would you let your child get out and play with matches, even though you KNOW something bad will happen?  Or do you just say, "Oh well, when they burn down the house, they'll know better".  No, you tell them "Don't do it".  The GOP, specifically the conservative wing, is saying "You shouldn't have gotten those matches out so I'm taking them away before you hurt yourself".  Of course, libs don't think that way.....they say it takes a village to raise a child....and give him a chance to burn down the entire village.  Reminds one of the 2008/2012 presidential election, doesn't it?

Friday, August 16, 2013

Mark Levin - The Liberty Amendments

Mark Levin, also known as "The Great One" (hat tip to Jackie Gleason!), has a new bestseller out titled "The Liberty Amendments".  In it he outlines a set of 10 Constitutional amendments that are necessary to the life, liberty, and happiness of America.  He proposes using Article V of the Constitution to achieve this.  Now, remember, this has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE...but it looks more and more like it is getting to a point where it has to be done somehow, someway.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments,
which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress;
Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article*; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. 

It is the underlined and italicized text above that is relevant.  And just what are these 10 proposed Amendments? 

1)      Term Limits:  Limiting service in both houses of Congress to 12 years.  Elections are supposed to be the best limit.  However, these elections are all to often decided by the resources, seemingly unlimited if they want, deployed by the main two parties.  If you don't have the official okie-dokie of your party, you have NO CHANCE.  Term limits exist in most states and it was debated in the Constitutional Congress.

2)      Repealing the 17th Amendment:  Senators were originally elected by state legislators, which kept state power from being diluted in the face of the federal government.

3)      Restoring the Judiciary role:  This is actually a big change.  Away from life time appointments to single 12 year terms, as well as granting both Congress and the state legislatures the authority to overturn court decisions with the vote of three-fifths of both houses of Congress or state legislative bodies.

4)      Limiting Taxation and Spending: A balanced budget amendment with a spending limit of 17.5% of GDP.  Raising the debt ceiling would require a 3/5ths vote.  And, in an idea that would spur economic growth and investment, limiting income tax to a maximum of 15% of an individual’s income, prohibiting other forms of taxation, and changing the federal filing date to the day before elections.

5)      Limit bureaucracy:  Require all federal departments to undergo stand-alone reauthorization bills every three years.

6)      Defining the Commerce Clause:   Make it clear that the commerce is there to prevent states from impeding commerce among other states.  That’s what Madison intended and it has been turned on its head.

7)      Limiting Federal power to take private property:  Preventing the use of eminent domain to create private wealth in the name of public good.

8)      Allowing State Legislature to Amend the Constitution:  The framers of the Constitution made it difficult to amend the Constitution, they did so to prevent it from becoming a tool for those in power.  This amendment allows states to bypass Congress and propose an amendment with support of just two-thirds of the without convening a convention. 

9)      State Authority to Override Congress:  A proposed amendment to allow states to override federal statutes by majority vote in two-thirds of state legislatures.  The last two proposals are rooted in the idea that the states only agreed to the Constitution on condition that their power would not be diluted and that all federal power is derived from the states.

10)  Protecting the Vote: Require photo ID for all federal elections with limitations on early voting.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Open Letter to the Speaker of the House

As a life long Republican and patriotic American, I am absolutely aghast at your support for creating a "path to citizenship" for illegal aliens.  The three reasons that are being given for this are absurd.

1.  Legalization will "put them in the taxpaying economy".  The most liberal think tanks estimate an increase in GDP by something around $1 trillion....over the course of 20 years...only $50 billion a year.  This does translate to increased "revenue" as politicians refer to it (the rest of us call it taxes) and, as such, is insignificant to the deficits that YOUR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has created. 

2.  If we don't do something, it is going to get worse.  We have laws on the books to address this problem but you and the rest of the GOP leadership  allow the Executive branch to do what it wants to when it wants to regardless of the rule of law. 

3.  We need to do this for the future of the party.  As bad as the above reasons are, this is THE WORST.  I understand, although not enough people do, that your first allegiance is to YOUR PARTY.....because it is your party that keeps you in that position....then to your own best interests....and finally, and least, to your constituency.  This is the case with ALL national elected officials.  It is the party that provides access to the large fundraising opportunities and consultants that have co-opted our electoral system.  You have no interest or loyalty to those of us who get seemingly endless emails and letters asking for $25 here and $100 there.  Those of us who volunteer to KEEP YOU IN OFFICE.

Your first, and overriding interest and loyalty...that which you have uttered many times in your oaths of office...

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

is SUPPOSED to be to the citizens of The United States of America. 

This legislation is NOT in the best interests of American citizens and the way you conduct business in the Office of the Speaker is antithetical to your oath.  You should be ashamed...but I doubt very much if you will be.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Air Traffic Control and Sequester....

Just read a story,, that states that the FAA is "expected to save about $200 million of the $637 million the agency must cut from its $16 billion budget"
as a result of sequester furloughs that started on 4/21/2013. It goes on to say that the furloughs are expected to last through 9/30, which is the end of FY 2013. That sounded a bit fishy to me (most statistics like this do actually) so I decided to whip out Excel and poke around.

Ok, $200,000,000 saved....

Let's start with how many days are the furloghs going to last? 4/21 to 9/30 =162 days

Alright $200/162 days.....$1,234,567.90 saved per day.... Doesn't that number look JUST A LITTLE too cute?

The article goes on to say that an average of 1200 to 1500 controllers will be off each day across the system so that daily savings is spread over that number of employees….or and average daily saving per day of $823.05 to $1028.81 per day per employee. or $102.88 to $128.60 per hour (8 hr day)!

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(, the median pay for controllers in 2010 was $51.94/hr. Now if we assume that every controller is subject to furlough hours equally, that means that either they’ve gotten some pretty good raises in the last 2 years…..or the $200,000,000 savings is, as is most of the propaganda…I mean information…coming from the administration pure garbage. You decide!

In another story I see this quote:
"Government budget cuts that kicked in last month are forcing the FAA and other agencies to cut their spending. FAA officials have said they have no choice but to furlough all 47,000 agency employees, including nearly 15,000 controllers. Each employee will lose one day of work every other week. The FAA has said that planes will have to take off and land less frequently, so as not to overload the remaining controllers on duty."

So back to my Excel!  47000 employees losing 1 day every other week.....23 weeks....12 furlough days per employee.  12 days x 47000 employees into $200mm = $44.32/hr as the average hourly salary for the 47000 FAA employees.  Don't buy that either.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama, Guns, and Executive Orders

So Vice President Biden mentioned today that, with the defeat in the Senate of anti-gun legislation, that the President Obama has several executive orders that will soon be implemented to deal with gun violence.  I have a question.....if executive orders can deal with gun violence, why weren't they implemented WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE?!?!?!?!?!?!?  Just another bogus cover story from the most corrupt, anti-American administration in history.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Raise Revenue and Invest!!!!

"We must increase revenues so we can invest in infrastructure, jobs, and education."  Ever heard that?  If the spending WAS on infrastructure, jobs, and education it has SOME validity. But it is NOT.

It is spent on "bribes" to stay in office. The current "leadership" is interested in 1 thing...staying in power. If it enhances their chance to be re-elected, then they pursue it. If it is in the best interests of the country, that's all the better but it doesn't have to be! Democrats are better politicians than Republicans. They understand that to drive people to the polls, you have to touch their emotions, not their logic.

That was where the Tea Party succeeded in 2010. They used the same methodology.....but unfortunately, have been unable to sustain the gains because they are a threat to the establishment GOP power structure and have been met with resistance at nearly every turn. Since it is a grass-roots organization, it has a's foot soldiers HAVE DAY JOBS!!!!!!!!!! They have to work to pay the taxes liberals are so quick to spend...and increase.

It is almost always cheaper to pay today, but the Democrats have turned Wimpy's pleading on its ear...."I'll gladly eat a hamburger today....and I'll have somebody else pay for it Tuesday!"