Friday, January 03, 2014

Who are Obama's People?

Who are Obama’s people? 

They are educated at the most prestigious universities in the US, yet utterly uneducated in the real world and often they are classless, foulmouthed buffoons who, for whatever reason, are convinced that their methods and actions are right regardless of the setting.

These are Obama's people.

They fill positions of power and authority throughout the “Dimocrat” party. They talk about free long as you agree with them.

These are Obama's people.

They talk about long as you think like them.

These are Obama's people.

They talk about fiscal long as they get theirs first.

These are Obama's people.

They truly feel entitled, because of their status, to say or do anything without ANY retribution or consequence.

These are Obama's people.

Is this the kind of person YOU are? Is this the kind of person your mother would be proud of? Think about that when you vote.

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